Schedule for SIWES Presentation and Submission of Logbook/Report

This is to inform all returning ND 2 students that the schedule for the submission of logbooks, Reports and the SIWES Presentation for the returning students from SIWES has been slated for the month of August, 2021. The schedule/arrangements are as follows:

August 2nd to 11thSubmission of duly signed Logbooks/forms to the SIWES Unit
August 2nd to 13thSubmission of Report to the SIWES Unit
August 23rdSIWES Report Presentation for SLT, CSC and CET
August 24thSIWES Report Presentation for BAM, ACC and EEE

Consequently, all logbooks and other relevant forms are to be submitted to the SIWES unit on or before 11th of August, 2021 while the SIWES Reports are also to be submitted on or before 13th of August, 2021.

Please note, all students are to strictly comply with the above stated dates and must be present at the presentations.

Azeez, T. A

Ag Director, SIWES